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The molecular language of RNA 5'ends: guardians of RNA identity and immunity. Avila-Bonilla RG, Macias S (2024) RNA


Antiviral defence mechanisms during early mammalian development. Mueller F, Witteveldt J, Macias S (2024) Viruses


Sensing of transposable elements by the antiviral innate immune system. Gazquez-Gutierrez A, Witteveldt J, Heras SR, Macias S (2021) RNA


ILF3 is essential to establish the antiviral type I interferon gene expression program. Watson S, Bellora N, Macias S (2020) Nucleic Acids Research pii: gkz1060. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkz1060


MiRNA-deficient embryonic stem cells acquire a functional Interferon response. Witteveldt J, Knol L, Macias S (2019) eLife 8:e44171 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.44171


Differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells to neuronal cells using hanging droplets and retinoic acid. Witteveldt J, Macias S (2019) Bio-protocol 9(21):e3417


Functional role of Dis3, EXOSC10 and Xrn2 exoribonucleases on nuclear RNA processing, turnover and transcriptional control. Davidson L, Francis L, Cordiner RA, Eaton JD, Estell C, Macias S, Caceres JF, West S (2019) Cell Rep 5;26(10):2779-91


Crosstalk between mammalian antiviral pathways. Watson SF, Knol, LI, Witteveldt J, Macias S (2019) Non-coding RNA 5(1), 29


Inhibition of Microprocessor function during the activation of the type I Interferon response. Witteveldt J, Ivens A, Macias S. Cell Reports (2018) 23, 3275-3285.


Purification of Microprocessor-associated factors. Cordiner RA and Macias S. Methods in Molecular Biology 2018


Genetic variation and RNA structure regulate microRNA biogenesis. Fernandez N, Cordiner RA, Young RS, Macias S, Caceres JF. Nat. Commun (2017) 8, 15114 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms15114


DGCR8 acts as a novel adaptor for the exosome complex to degrade double-stranded structured RNAs. Macias S, Cordiner RA, Gautier P, Plass M, Caceres JF. Mol Cell  2015 17;60(6):873-85.


Control of mammalian retrotransposons by cellular RNA processing activities. Heras SR, Macias S, Cáceres JF, Garcia-Perez JL. Mob Genet Elements. 2014 Mar 6;4:e28439. eCollection 2014.


Drosha regulates gene expression independently of RNA cleavage function. Gromak N, Dienstbier M, Macias S, Plass M, Eyras E, Cáceres JF, Proudfoot NJ. Cell Rep. 2013 Dec 26;5(6):1499-510.


The Microprocessor controls the activity of mammalian retrotransposons. Heras SR, Macias S, Plass M, Fernandez N, Cano D, Eyras E, Garcia-Perez JL, Cáceres JF. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2013 Oct;20(10):1173-81.


Cellular functions of the microprocessor. Macias S, Cordiner RA, Cáceres JF. Biochem Soc Trans. 2013 Aug;41(4):838-43. Review.


DGCR8 HITS-CLIP reveals novel functions for the Microprocessor. Macias S, Plass M, Stajuda A, Michlewski G, Eyras E, Cáceres JF. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2012 Aug;19(8):760-6.



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